Rankers Zone

Rank Math vs Yoast – Which One is best?

Choosing between Rank Math and Yoast SEO depends on your specific needs and priorities. Both are popular WordPress SEO plugins offering a variety of features to optimize your website content. Here’s a comparison to help you decide:


  • Rank Math: Offers a wider range of features in the free version, including content analysis for readability, internal linking suggestions, schema markup tools, and basic on-page SEO optimization. The paid version unlocks features like keyword rank tracking, content audits, and video SEO optimization.
  • Yoast SEO: The free version focuses on core on-page SEO optimization, including title and meta description suggestions, readability checks, and basic schema markup functionality. Advanced features like keyword tracking and content insights are available in the paid version.

Ease of Use:

  • Rank Math: Has a user-friendly interface with clear instructions and tooltips.
  • Yoast SEO: Also boasts a user-friendly interface and is known for its simplicity, especially in the free version.


  • Rank Math: Generally considered lighter and faster than Yoast SEO due to its smaller codebase. This can lead to a slight improvement in website loading speed.

Other Considerations:

  • Support: Both plugins offer support options, but Rank Math’s free version includes live chat support, whereas Yoast SEO’s free version only offers email support.
  • Updates: Rank Math tends to release updates more frequently, potentially offering new features and bug fixes quicker.

Here’s a quick breakdown to help you decide:

  • Choose Rank Math if:
    • You need a wider range of features in the free version.
    • Website loading speed is a major concern.
    • You prefer live chat support for troubleshooting.
  • Choose Yoast SEO if:
    • You value a simple and user-friendly interface, especially for beginners.
    • You’re comfortable with a limited feature set in the free version.
    • You prefer a more established plugin with a longer track record.

Ultimately, the best way to decide is to try both plugins and see which one you find more intuitive and effective for your website’s needs. Both Rank Math and Yoast SEO offer free versions, so you can experiment without commitment.